2008 through 2020 Pennsylvania Presidential Election Complete Result Charts
Here are the list of historical election results per county from 2012 Primary throught 2020 Primary results and 2008, 2012,2016 General elections comparison charts that can used to analyze of the state of Pennsylvania based on the past election results. For example, V.P Biden is did better than Mrs. Clinton in 2016 and President Obama in 2012. President Trump in 2020 did better than his 2016 run and 2012 Romney.
In Pennsylvania 2020 primaries, President Trump won 54 counties with 1.1M votes while V.P Joe Biden won 14 county out of the 68 counties to get his 1.3M votes .
Joe Biden's got votes difference against President Trump are in are Philadelphia (200K), Allegheny (100K) , Montogomery (60K), Delaware (30K) getting more votes in 12 of the 68 counties. Philadelphia, Biden lead Trump by 200K votes 91 points lead, has 51% college educated population, demographic breakdown of (44% white, 44% Black) 53% home owners. It is median income is $46K. Allegheny , Biden lead Trump by 100K votes 58 points lead,, has 66% college educated population, demographic breakdown of (80% white, 13% Black) 65% home owners. It is median income is $60K. Montogomery, Biden lead Trump by 60K votes 53 points lead,, has 70% college educated population, demographic breakdown of (80% white, 10% Black, 4% Hispanic, 5% Asian) 72% home owners. It is median income is $90K.
President Trump got more votes in 2020 than 2016 in 65 of the 68 counties, except in Delaware, Luzerne, Philadephia which are all classified as metropolitan areas. Delaware where he dropped 5 points has 62% college educated population, demographics breakdown (70% white, 22% black), 70 % home owners and 10% immigrant population. Its median household income of $72K. Luzerne, where he dropped by 7 points, has 51% college educated population, demographics breakdown (90% white), 70% home owners and 6% immigrant population. Its median household income is $53K.
More analysis can ne found in the 2020 Pennslyvania Primary Article.
Comparing both Joe Biden and Pennslyvania Historic Primary Vote % difference charts, with Mrs. Clinton and President Obama, it reveals that Biden seems to be more popular than both of them. He got more votes than Mrs. Clinton is all the 68 counties ranging from 80% more votes in a few counties (including Philadephia) and plenty of counties get more than 50% than her. Biden also is more popular than President Obama when comparing to his 2012 Primary results, where Biden has gotten triple digit gains than him in many counties, except in Philadephia where he just got 63% more votes than President Obama got in 2012.
President Trump did much better than Senator Mitt Romney's 2012 run, getting more votes than Romney in every single county. The ranges of improvement for President Trump is a minimum of 40% to close to 250%, where most of of counties he has received double Romney's votes and in a few he is close to triple that of Romney. Other than Philadephia and Lackawanna, President Trump received more votes in every county ranging from double to triple that of President Obama's vote numbers.
Counties with a high level of college educated tend to vote for V.P Biden over President Trump. The graph Historic Vote differnce %, where the bars are pointing downwards are places where V.P Biden did better and then compare those counties with college grads in that county. Unselect the non-college educated choice in the above chart and follow the counties from the left to the right, one notices this trend to be true in the 2020 Primary.
55 years and older age block seems be the range between 50 to 30% of the population all across the counties in Pennsylvania except in Philadephia where they are only 25% of the population. This population group adds up to 4.1 Million of the voting block. Sullivan's 49% of the 6071 population being seniors, President Trump got double the votes over Biden, the next top counties with seniro citizens. Pike is the county where President Trump got more votes than V.P Biden with only 41% gain. In the top 5 senior percentage counties, President Trump 2020 performance is better than 2016 where he saw except in Pike where he maintained his votes.