2022 Michigan General Election Story (Governor)

A head to head comparison of the Michigan 2022 General Election gives us an idea of the break down of the voters.

Gretchen Whitmer received 2.4M (55.4 %) votes, beating Tudor Dixon who gained 2M (44.6 %) by 469.5k votes in Michigan.

Gretchen Whitmer won 18 counties out of the 83 counties that make up Michigan. The record shows that Tudor Dixon won 65 counties.

2022 MI Primary Election vs Gubernatorial General Elections Counties Won

Primary Elections

Gubernatorial General Election

Primary Election

In the Primary, Gretchen Whitmer won 61 counties in a 3 way match up. Kevin Rinke trailed behind him winning 1 counties, with Tudor Dixon winning 21 county at the 2022 general Elections.

2022 MI Gubernatorial Primary vs Gubernatorial General Elections w.r.t % Votes and Total Votes Won

Gubernatorial Primary Elections

Gubernatorial General Elections

On a head to head count with the total votes between in Gretchen Whitmer and Tudor Dixon between the Gubernatorial Primary and General Elections the vote difference is 469,456 (469k) . These values are represented by a vote increment of 1,489,797 (1M) for Gretchen Whitmer and 1,522,993 (2M) for Tudor Dixon at the Gubernatorial General Elections.

Gubernatorial Primary Elections

Gubernatorial General Elections

During the 2022; General elections, a lot of total number of votes were cast. Aside the Electoral Votes, Popular Votes came to the fore as well. Further details regarding overall total votes cast, percentage contributed by the various states, and the winner of Popular votes will be updated soon.

Top 15 Counties in Gubernatorial Primary Elections vs Gubernatorial General Elections

All Candidates (Gubernatorial Primary Elections)

All Candidates (Gubernatorial General Elections)

Primary Elections vs General Elections

These 15 counties play an important role in these primary elections. If a candidate, can get a sizable majority in the larger counties (Wayne, Oakland, Macomb), it becomes very difficult to win majorities in the smaller counties with out voter out reach and increased voter participation in them.

Top 15 Counties Comparison in Primary Elections vs General Elections

Gubernatorial Primary Elections
Gretchen Whitmer

Gubernatorial Primary Elections
Tudor Dixon

Gubernatorial General Elections
Gretchen Whitmer

Gubernatorial General Elections
Tudor Dixon

Wayne, Oakland and Macomb, three of the larger counties in Michigan voted in favor of Gretchen Whitmer giving him a 442k vote advantage out of those counties. Tudor Dixon steady win in many of the smaller counties wasn't enough for him to catch up, making Gretchen Whitmer gain an upper hand in the State of Michigan.