Both the United States and France have pledged to continue to defend Ukraine against Russia's ongoing invasion, reiterating the need to hold individuals accountable for attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure in the war-torn nation.

The two nations denounced "Russia's illegitimate war of aggression" on its neighbor in a statement describing meetings between US President Joe Biden and his French colleague Emmanuel Macron at the White House on Thursday.

According to the statement, Biden and Macron "reiterate their unwavering commitment to hold Russia accountable for well-documented atrocities and war crimes, committed both by its regular armed forces and by its proxies."

Biden and Macron reiterated in a press conference that France and the United States, along with all of our NATO allies, the European Union, and the G7, "stand as strong as ever against Russia's brutal aggression against Ukraine." This came after lengthy discussions in the Oval Office.

As they "face down Russian President Vladimir Putin's grasping appetite for conquest," the US president claims that France and the US are "defending democratic values and universal human rights."

Putin could speak with Biden. “If he decides to look for a way to stop the war, that would be of interest,” said Biden. Putin "hasn't done it yet," according to him.

Nine months into Russia's invasion, the West is attempting to galvanize support for Ukraine as the nation struggles to fend off enormous, almost weekly missile and drone attacks that target the country's cities' power, water, and heating infrastructure.

The discussions between Biden and Macron took place on Thursday, as Vitaliy Klitschko, the mayor of Kyiv, warned citizens to stock up on supplies of food, drink, and warm clothing in case of a complete blackout.

Klitschko also suggested that, if at all feasible, individuals think about staying with friends outside of the city.

Kherson, a recently freed city, experienced an overnight bombardment by Russian rockets.

Almost three weeks after Russian soldiers left the city, electricity had just started to be restored when the attacks struck, knocking down power supplies.

While patrolling by burning cars and buildings with windows blown out by nighttime shelling, which left several people hospitalized, some locals gave Ukrainian military hugs.

Ukraine will triumph. Inna Sydorchuk, 52, a resident of one of the damaged apartment buildings, stated, "We will get through it."

Sergey Lavrov, the foreign minister of Russia, defended his nation's latest attacks earlier on Thursday, claiming that Ukrainian energy infrastructure "supports the fighting capability of the Ukrainian armed forces and nationalist battalions."

The aim of the assault, according to Lavrov, was to "knock out energy infrastructure that allows you to keep pumping deadly weapons into Ukraine to kill the Russians," he stated in an online news conference.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken charged Russia with attempting to "freeze" Ukraine into submission last month.

Following a meeting of the G7 foreign ministers in Germany on November 4, Blinken stated that President Putin "seems to have concluded that if he can't capture Ukraine by force, he will try to freeze it into submission."